Saturday morning, 8/22/20 I said "see you later" to the last 3 of my power pack-happy to see them go to a new home with some friends of mine so I'll get to see them often enough. But my home was empty for the first time in a long time. The last several litters had some overlap. I was thrilled when the intake coordinator messaged me just a few hours later to ask if I was ready to take a new batch. She wanted to make sure they were eating, so we arranged for me to get them on Sunday.
They were timid, but so sweet. No hissing, no fussing... a little trembling but they settled easily. They fell asleep on the way home. I had called ahead for reinforcement, and my friend came with his kitten whisperer touch to get them settled. They quickly discovered the humans could be a source of love and gentle pets and became addicted to attention within hours.
Rescue kittens have to be kennel trained, so they don't freak out when they go to the adoption center to find their forever family. The donut shop are not taking to this training very well.
None of them are eating well, primarily because they prefer to play or cuddle instead of eating. They will only eat a few bites at a time, then come crawling back into a lap. We must repeatedly put them back to their food dish, which works just a few times. Then they stop eating even then. At that point, they demand to be hand fed or they won't eat a bit. Malasada goes so far as to even demand that you open her mouth to insert food bit by bit. Still, they're losing weight- so beginning next week they'll be spending the day with my friend while I'm at work. Tiny tyrants are what I'm raising right now...
Update 9/23/20
The week after my last update, I arranged to have the donut shop kittens stay with my friend or my mom during the workday. I wanted them to be offered food at more frequent intervals. They started eating more regularly and stopped losing weight, but were still not gaining much. The following weekend I took a weekend trip and arranged for them to stay with a friend and her family.
The kittens were delighted with the level of attention they received there. A little boy to sing them a song ("go to sleep, go to sleep, you will grow big soon"), way more meals and treats, new toys, and so much love.
They went to visit as tiny kittens, but came back as teeny furry land sharks. The smell or sight of any food sends them into a feedy frenzy unparalleled by any other kitten litter I have fostered.
They are very vocal in the kitchen, and constantly present. When I cook now, they huddle under my feet.
Silly me for thinking a pastry in a to go container on the counter was safe. They felt no shame when I discovered them helping themselves to a peach roll treat.
The curious side of me was interested to see what else they'd eat. So far, the answer is everything... they're particularly fond of mango, which they stole out of my husband's hand and ran away with. I try not to give them too much junk, but they did share a donut hole... just had to for these donut shop kittens!
When they're not eating, they love a good snuggle. They're friendly with everyone!
Update 10/11/20
The donut shop kittens are a SWEET bunch- so cuddly and loving. But they all need to come with warning labels. I eat protein waffles now and then- and I've learned that I must prepare myself by wearing long pants and a sweatshirt... having a decoy waffle helps. My waffle supplier gives me the slightly burnt waffles just for kittens- so I'll cook a little fourth of the waffle to pass off on them so I can eat my own waffle.
I'm really working on trying to get them less food crazy... it's slowly slowly working. We ate a meal last night without much trouble, but carbs are still their weak spot. Any type of carbs brings out the crazy.
Good thing the husband is used to cat fur in his lunches. I didn't have enough hands to keep them away. Their future owners need to have a good sense of humor and iron stomachs.
These babies can't resist a chance to crawl on people. I was having a minute with my Toasty Marshmallow- he likes to be cuddled when I'm squatting... I don't know why. Donut shop decided to join us. They can't resist any time we're sitting/squatting near the floor.